
Amelia Rood MA (Cantab), PGCE – Senior Tutor and Founder of South Coast Tutors

Mathematics Degree from Trinity College Cambridge and PGCE

Over 20 years teaching experience in Comprehensive, Grammar and Independent Secondary Schools including a Deputy Headship and Head of Department positions in three schools.

CE 13+/IGCSE/A level Examining Experience and Independent School Entrance and Scholarship Examination Setting and Marking.

Public Liability Insurance

All tutors are self employed and have an enhanced DBS check from their current school, checked by South Coast Tutors as well as references.

Group Courses may also be taught by other current qualified Mathematics Teachers including

CM  – Teaching Experience in local Comprehensive and Grammar schools

AO – Teaching Experience in Independent and Grammar schools

CH  – Teaching Experience in local Comprehensive and Grammar schools

PL – Teaching Experience in Independent and Grammar schools